I was no longer starving myself to look a certain way. I didn’t have to be in the gym all day every day to get my six-pack…
I had the best of both worlds.
I learned how to train like a "bodybuilder" but not to the extreme of where it rules your life.
Before you run for the hills at the pure image of a huge guy with veins bursting out of every muscle in his body…
My program is a VERSION of this kind of training!
When I created Body Transformation University, I knew I had to take the best parts of bodybuilder training. Like the immense fat burning, and magical muscle definition…
Then apply and adapt them to a NORMAL (fake-tan free) life!
Because here’s the thing I’ve learned in my 17 years of successful coaching:
Most people don’t want to be huge.
They just want lean muscle, less body fat, and some definition - which is EXACTLY what my program provides.
It’s based on accurate scientific methods that have proven to work time and time again for all my clients, and myself.
Take a look….